
The Principle-Based Partner Yoga™  Level I Training / Immersion is an opportunity to explore and develop skills that elevate our human potential, both personally and professionally. This visionary art expands the traditional practice of Yoga into the realm of relationship and authentic relating with others. The program is not just for teachers but designed for everyone with a sincere interest in Partner Yoga.

This first of its kind training includes an in-depth curriculum and comprehensive Training Manual. The tools and techniques presented are invaluable skills for anyone (1 year Yoga experience required) seeking to live a more connected, heart-centered life.

Graduates leave the training with greater physical, emotional and spiritual understanding of the power of partner practices to deepen their individual practice. Participants also receive inspiration to access their innate heart wisdom that imbues all  relationships with greater authenticity. For those wishing to facilitate the practice with others, all the necessary tools and guidelines are included in the Training Manual.

Both Level I and II Trainings are accredited courses applicable toward Yoga Alliance continuing education. You will receive a Certificate of Completion upon completion of the requirements ($25 fee).

See the FAQ’s page for further information, the registration page to apply/register for a teacher training or contact us if you have any questions.

Partner Yoga is not a substitute for individual Yoga practice – it is an accelerated path to experience directly the root principle of Yoga – union. It deepens and sensitizes our individual practice, while awakening our direct experience of how we are all intimately connected.

Partner Yoga practice is part of the paradigm shift currently happening on our planet. It supports and inspires us in experiencing authentic, empowered relationships with ourselves and others.

Because Partner Yoga is such a new phenomenon and each Level I Training offers different postures/practices, and group dynamics, it is highly recommended taking Level I multiple times. (Reduced fee for returning  participants).


The purpose of this course is to empower individuals with the skills and confidence needed to share Partner Yoga with others while accelerating their own understanding of Yoga. A comprehensive, continually updated Training Manual is provided at the training.

Level I Topics include:

  • Understanding and implementing Partner Yoga principles
  • Cultivating clear, compassionate and confident touch
  • Study/practice of postures presented in ‘The Pleasures and Principles of Partner Yoga’ and those outlined in the Training Manual
  • Overview of various approaches to Partner Yoga including: Skillful assisting and adjusting, Mirrored postures, Creative composition of postures, Inversions and Group Practices
  • Balancing polarities: Understanding the dynamics of gravity and traction
  • Alignment for strength, balance and flexibility
  • Safely navigating Partner Inversions and Aerial postures
  • Physical/energetic warm-ups including Thai Yoga Massage techniques
  • Physical and subtle anatomy of the pelvis and sacrum
  • Partner and Group Meditations

Level II Topics include:

  • Review / deepening of diverse range of postures/practices
  • Refining quality of touch and and connection
  • Integrating Partner Yoga principles/practice into daily life
  • Partner Yoga Therapy techniques
  • Re-programming limiting beliefs and patterns in relationship
  • Partner meditations for opening the heart, cultivating trust and dissolving fear
  • Creating private and public class/workshop formats and themes
  • Partner Savasana: Exploring our relationship with death and dying
  • Opening to direct, embodied experience of the unified field science is now confirming
  • Read more about our teacher trainings on our FAQ page or register here for a teacher training.

Testimonials from Teacher Training Participants:

“Elysabeth’s approach is unique and accessible to a wide spectrum of students. Her style is gentle yet profoundly advanced. She is a highly skilled guide into the deepest regions of the body, and her creativity and clarity in leading partner practices is the best I have ever experienced.”
E.Todd, Yoga Teacher, Boulder, CO
“I have learned more about my individual practice through this Partner Yoga training than all of my traditional Yoga training combined.”
S. Ceraffati, Yoga Teacher
“Thank you for an amazing and transformational experience – from one to two to one. Let’s take the world hand by hand into harmony and unity.”
T. Zamir, Musician and Partner Yoga Teacher
“Whatever I imagined this Partner Yoga journey to be, it continues to exceed my wildest dreams. I am so grateful you are putting this out into the world.”
L. Fierer, Writer, Yoga Teacher
“Thank you Elysabeth, for creating change in the world – for giving us such beautiful and magical ways to know and support ourselves and each other.”
J. Kennedy, Life Coach/Tantra Teacher