Virtual training info coming soon
- A wide variety of postures and practices that activate and accelerate your understanding of Yoga and conscious relationship
- Deepened self-awareness through contemplation of the principles
- Tools to develop skillful touch with confidence, clarity and compassion
- Greater sense of vitality, trust and joy in all your relationships
- Tools to practice, design and facilitate Partner Yoga classes and sessions
- Deepened capacity for intimacy, emotional honesty and conscious communication connection
- 12hrs Continuing Education / Yoga Alliance Accredited
- Certificate of Completion for Level I (with 5hrs additional requirements)
- Five virtual training sessions. Total: 12hrs
- All sessions recorded for review and deeper study
- Developing a simple home practice posture flow
- Follow-up social media group
- Level I Training Manual / 60 pages with exclusive materials designed for this training / PDF format
- Five follow-up training hrs to receive a Certificate of Completion $49
- The Pleasures and Principles of Partner Yoga Book in PDF ($14.95), Mobile Version ($9.90) or Hardbound Version ($29.95 plus shipping)
- Private Mentoring Session: Elysabeth: $120hr / Lara: $90hr
- Friday: 6-9PM
- Saturday 3-5PM and 7-9PM
- Sunday 10 – 1PM and 3 -5PM
All sessions scheduled for Mountain Time. See Time Zone Converter