Crisis As Opportunity / Pandemic or Panacea?

Today I woke up and could sense the collective fear and panic in the air as I imagine many of you are feeling the same. 

I spent time considering what I can personally do to help keep the vibe high and to support myself and others in focusing on what is real and true and not

Lessons I have Learned from Partner Yoga

Having just completed an inspiring weekend of Partner Yoga at Kripalu Center for Yoga, I am struck once again by the simple yet profound lessons this practice provides.

The biggest lesson it continues to reveal is that Love is our true nature as humans – that we are happiest when we feel loved and loving. 


Brain and Body Balancing Through Partner Yoga

I love the human body. I truly do. I love how the body reminds us of what is real and alive in us. I love its soft animal nature and how it provides a sense of connection, embodied bliss and present moment awareness.

Or in the words of poet Mary Oliver ‘You do not have to

Dissolving The Separation Between Our Practice and Our Life

I have often wondered what it would be like to live every moment feeling fully alive and deeply connected, in love with life and humanity, the way I feel sharing Partner Yoga. These past few months have been an opportunity to deeply investigate this possibility.

As the new year begins, I am completing my first exploration


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