
Why would we want to explore death?

It may sound rather morbid at first consideration and yet my experience is that this practice awakens more joy than any other that I have encountered.

How could this be so? Because at the root of all of our fears lies the fear of death – our own and our loved ones.

There is something mysterious and magical that happens when we contemplate this ultimate letting go. We realize the preciousness of life, and we awaken the courage to be more fully alive.

When we honor and acknowledge the full range of feelings associated with death, we liberate ourselves to live our lives with greater confidence and freedom.

The practice of Savasana is not only a practice of relaxation and integration, it is also an opportunity to explore the deepest layers of our being. We begin with deeply relaxing the physical, and move on to relaxing our mental and emotional attachments and concepts.

Finally, as our identity softens, we begin to sense the eternal aspect of our being, and receive a glimpse into who and what we are beyond form, beyond time, beyond death.

There are vast possibilities that can come from exploring Savasana in a safe and sacred setting. The experience can range from one of deep rest, to profound forgiveness, to a direct experience of ourselves as eternal beings.

Through many years of personal practice and in facilitating others, I have seen that each time we journey into this realm it is different, and perfect for what is needed in our lives at any particular moment in time.

Death is something that touches us all. Consider this rare opportunity to encounter Savasana as a portal to greater aliveness.

No experience with Yoga necessary – only a sincere willingness to explore the great mystery of life. Email: to register

“Die before you die.
And be, absolutely dead.
Then, do whatever you want.
It is all good.”

-Bashour, 16th Century