Returning Home and The Friendliness of Feelings

‘The ache for home lives in all of us,
the safe space where we can go as we are
and not be questioned. -Maya Angelou

I am so happy to be writing this back in this beautiful land of Colorado. As I settle in, I have been contemplating the idea of home

Relaxing into Bliss / Self-Care For the Unmotivated

Sometimes we need a little boost to move us towards self-care action. Do whatever works. Give yourself permission to use your favorite music, herb, affirmations, Nature, connection with an animal or person you feel unconditionally loved by, to motivate your practice. Consider doing the practice outside to receive the added nourishment of the earth.


Unconditional Love and Partner Yoga


I remember when I first received the inspiration and clarity to offer Teacher Trainings. It came after a 10 day Vipassana Retreat. These retreats are quite rigorous, and require courage to commit to 10 days of total silence, with about 10 hours

Listening Together in Nature

This is a practice that expands our capacity to listen deeply. There is a particularly rich and potent intimacy that arises when silence is shared in the natural world.

Consider using this simple, contemplative practice when in need of greater clarity and understanding. The subject may be something that is inspiring or concerning you. This practice

Celebrating the Weather, however it is Appearing

Happy Spring! I hope this letter finds you enjoying the beginnings of Spring wherever you are on the planet.

I just returned from an incredibly aromatic experience in Santa Barbara, CA. The drought is officially over and there is a sweet sense of rebirth after the environmental challenges of recent years. Nature is so powerful

The Art of Listening

Words are fascinating! Both the entomology (their origins) and the words contained within a word.

Take the word HEART- it not only contains the word ART but also the word EAR and HEAR.

Listening deeply, with our full presence and attention is an art, a sacred art that contains unlimited possibilities for connecting to our heart’s knowing


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