The Great Change, the Great Realization, the Awakening of Humanity. There have been many names given to and prophesied about this time we are living through and some who believe things will get back to ‘normal’.
Clearly we are experiencing a global phenomena never before experienced. And even more clearly, we can see that how we have been living on this planet is unsustainable and has brought us to the brink of self-destruction.
So what do we do? How do we navigate through this time of radical change, upheaval and uncertainty?
For me, it is through deepening my understanding of and connection to the deepest essence of my being, which I believe is the heart. Bringing my attention back to my heart center is the only way I have found to hold the tremendous amount of feeling moving through me.
The heart holds the power we need to awaken both for ourselves and our world. It is the bridge between our human and spiritual natures and contains everything that we truly desire, beyond what we have been conditioned to want.
It is from the heart space that we can access our wisdom, courage, joy, compassion, forgiveness, inspiration, understanding, passion, intuition, connection, peace, trust. And the list goes on.
Now more than ever, these are the super powers we are most in need of.
We have been conditioned to go to our intellect, not our hearts to guide us and this is not where our wisdom and true power resides.
The intellect was designed to be in service to the heart but we have become confused about this relationship and overly identified with our thinking. When we look to the mind for guidance in times of stress, we often experience turmoil, conflicting thoughts and past and future fantasies.
The intellect is an important aspect of our being but it exists in the realm of duality, judgment and comparisons, while the heart is capable of holding the deeper, paradoxical nature of truth.
The heart is the field that Rumi speaks of in his poem “Out beyond ideas of good and bad, there is a field. I’ll meet you there”
So how do we find our way to this field of unconditional love? How do we make this evolutionary shift in our awareness from thought-centered to heart-centered? What does it mean to be open and centered in the heart? And how do we surrender the defenses we have built up around our hearts?
We have all been given as our human birthright, the capacity to choose where we place our attention, even when it seems we are victims to circumstances beyond our control.
And now more than ever we need to exercise our capacity to choose. We can learn through practice to stay centered in our bodies, in this moment, and in the peaceful presence of the heart.
This is the awakening – knowing we have the power to choose.
I believe there is no greater service that we can offer ourselves, our loved ones and our world, than awakening the power that exists within our very own hearts. There is no more effective way to accomplish this than to come together in a sacred circle of intention and mutuality.
I invite you to lend your voice and presence to the upcoming contemplative Virtual Circles. You will come away with invaluable tools, inspiration and support for opening and activating the innate powers of your heart, and for realizing the indomitable nature of the human Spirit.