We Are All The Same

I was blessed to present a particularly precious Partner Yoga training at Athen’s Yoga this summer and I am still feeling an expansive heart from my time there.

To give you a sense of our experience, here are some responses from participants:

‘Through this training I renewed my passion for Yoga and feel so grateful to have

Embracing Our Vulnerability

Last evening while facilitating a Self-Care workshop, we sat back to back with a partner, and contemplated a particular question. We took time to listen with our full attention, first to our own heart and then to our partners.

Although this practice took only about 5 minutes, I felt like I made a connection with my

The Mysterious Powers of the Heart

We live in such an exciting time when science is finally catching up to what ancient wisdom teachings and our own intuition have known all along. I loved reading this recent front page headline from The New York Times:

“Research confirms our deepest intuition: Human connection lies at the heart of human well-being.” 

This kind of research

Exciting Shifts and Changes

Wow, what a time to be alive on the planet! The polarity of opposing energies seems to have reached an all time high and the shock of the recent election reveals a time of major shifts and change. As the shock subsides many are asking what is real and important, and how can we contribute to the positive change.


What Gets your Creative Juices Flowing?


Dear Friends,

We humans are naturally creative beings. We are happiest when expressing this part of our nature, whether it be through creating a beautiful meal or a piece of art. Have you ever noticed how every aspect of our lives holds creative potential? From how we feed and clothe ourselves, to how we decorate our homes and gardens, to how we recognize our own deep nature? Each part of life holds potential for creative expression.

What holds us back from expressing creatively? For me it is fear of judgement, mostly my own. I realize judgements coming from outside only really hurt when there is a part of me that believes its true. Creativity flourishes best in an atmosphere of non-judgment. This is why kindness and humor are so vital to our capacity to express. Learning to not take myself or my creations too seriously is really helpful too when it comes to self-expression.

“Children are beautiful teachers of creativity. They are not concerned with how others receive their art and express themselves simply for the joy of creation.

Creativity integrates our humanity with our divinity. It utilizes the inspired wisdom of our higher nature with the non-judgmental innocence of our inner child. ’

- from 'The Pleasures and Principles of Partner Yoga'

Savasana: Exploring our Death to Liberate our Lives

Why would we want to explore death? It can sound rather morbid at first glance and yet my experience is that this practice awakens more joy than any other I have encountered.

How could this be so? Because at the root of all of our fears lies the fear of death – our own and


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