The perfect tools (for connection) are not going to help us if we can’t face each other -and give and receive fearlessly. When we really see each other, we want to help each other.
Dear Partner Yoga friends,
I recently came upon a Ted Talk by Amanda Palmer entitled ‘The Art of Asking’. It stirred something deep in me and inspired me to make a radical shift around giving and receiving Partner Yoga teachings. I have decided to offer the upcoming Austin, TX Teacher Training (April 28 – May 4) free of charge, as a gift to all of you, with the invitation to give what you can in return.
In making this decision, I was immediately struck by its implications and many questions arose: What would happen if we all stopped playing by the rules we have learned – particularly around money? What would happen if we choose instead to trust each other to show up with whatever resources (internal or external) we have and offer them freely?
How would our lives and our worlds change if we no longer let the idea ‘I don’t have enough money’ keep us from the experience of being fully alive? We might see that what we really want, we actually already have – and perhaps we just need to enjoy it more. Our deeper need, beyond our survival, is for connection – to our soul’s unique purpose and to our human family.
Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ is about the simultaneity of giving and receiving, of knowing that when we are fully grounded in ourselves and trusting of one another – a beautiful exchange of life force occurs, one that brings mutual and equal benefit to all.
Like any artist (which I humbly consider myself), I have struggled to meet my financial needs and yet at the same time, I recognize that I have lived an incredibly abundant and adventurous life because I have listened to my heart, to the part of me that was not willing to sacrifice the deepest calling of my being for something so ultimately unfulfilling and ephemeral as material possessions.
I am not under the illusion that our system of money exchange will shift overnight. All of our systems, financial and otherwise, are in place because we have agreed to them. In this time of radical and necessary change, let’s choose to create more humane systems of exchange, ones that place a high value on authentic caring and connection to all life on the planet.
If you have ever considered taking this training and have let the thought ‘I can’t afford it’ stop you – you now have my total support to receive this gift from my heart to yours. Give yourself this week of complete immersion in Partner Yoga that will inspire and grow you on every level of your being. This training is NOT JUST FOR YOGA TEACHERS, it is for everyone wanting an in-depth exploration of this amazing, healing art.
Although I recognize the need to make money, my deeper desire is to share this practice and to empower others to share it. My commitment is to be part of this wild current of change happening on the planet and make this kind of offering from my heart whenever possible. I know that when we give freely and unconditionally, change happens – in ways that bring benefit to all.
Texas holds a special place in my heart as my experience has been that Texan’s are open hearted, fun-loving people, just a little bit wild, which suits the practice of Partner Yoga perfectly. I look forward to being with you in the wide open state of Texas this April.
In love and joy,
PS The investment for the week is a highly affordable food/lodging cost at the beautiful
Ancient Yoga Center, whatever travel expense you may have and your presence and commitment to the 60 hr training. Click here to apply.