Feeling our Way Through…

Dear Partner Yoga Friends,

As I prepare to present Levels I and II training in a few weeks, I am struck by the thoughts and emotions that arise for almost every participant as they prepare to attend the training. Kind of like a little microcosm of what arises in our lives. It goes something like this:


Living With An Open Heart

Dear Partner Yoga Friends,

How to keep my heart open no matter what – this is my meditation / contemplation right now.

One of the things I see (again) as I explore this territory is that in order to know the true tenderness and loving kindness of my heart, I need to be willing to feel everything – including

Heart Dance Flow Release

Dearest Partner Yoga Friends,

For your viewing enjoyment – ‘The Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ Heart Dance Flow’. This is the first in a series of three videos soon to be released. Click on the image below and enjoy! And please do share with others.

May the beauty and inspiration of Partner Yoga travel far and wide through the

Late Summer News 2013

I hope you are all enjoying the fruits of summertime …

I have been taking time to slow down, deeply rest and go within since returning from Greece. It has been interesting to notice what arises when I consciously relax all of my mental and emotional impulses to take action or else!

It is a practice

Videos for Purchase

Beautiful, inspiring Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ videos are now available here on our site. Sweetly priced at $2.99 each or $19.95 for all eleven.

Currently they are the only in-depth Partner Yoga videos on the market and an invaluable resource, geared toward all levels of experience.

The content comes directly from our award-winning

Gratitude and other Gifts

Dear Friends,

Level II training is now official on November 3 -8 at an exquistite Eoc-retreat Center in Ojai, CA! If you have completed the requirements for the Level I training and would like to attend for Level II, you can apply here.

I hope all your senses are enjoying the pleasures and beauty of almost


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